Monday, July 27, 2009

How To Clean Coffee Maker

by: Gary Gresham

Ever wonder how to clean a coffee maker the right way? Drip coffee makers need to be cleaned at least once a month to keep your coffee tasting good.

Cleaning your coffee maker takes away hard water deposits, old oils from previously brewed pots and other impurities that can make your coffee taste bad.

A mixture of 1 part vinegar to 2 parts water is the best way to clean a drip coffee maker. Mix a full pot of the vinegar and water mixture, pour it in your water reservoir and turn the coffee maker on.

Once the mixture has run completely through, turn the drip coffee maker off and let it cool for 15 to 20 minutes.

Pour the vinegar and water mixture down the drain. If you are cleaning a coffee maker that hasn't been cleaned regularly, repeat this step again with a fresh vinegar and water mixture.

Next, rinse the pot out thoroughly with warm, plain water. Then, fill the water reservoir again with clean water and turn the coffee maker on to start the rinsing process.

To make sure all of the vinegar and water solution is completely gone repeat the rinsing process one more time after letting the pot cool for 15 to 20 minutes.

This is how to clean a coffee maker the right way. Cleaning your drip coffee maker on a monthly basis will make it last longer and keep your coffee tasting the best it can possibly be.

About The Author

Gary Gresham

This article is supplied by where you can purchase quality coffee online, tea, cups, mugs, coffee makers, delicious desserts and sugar free desserts online. For a free monthly coffee newsletter with articles like these go to:

Food and Beverages only at Food Technologies :

Labels: Cleaning Coffee Maker

Kitchen Knife

Don't Use That Kitchen Knife Until You Know How To Care For It

by: D Ruplinger

When using a kitchen knife, or any sharp object, remember to put safety first.

Although it sounds obvious don’t run around with a sharp knife in your hand, don’t point a knife at anyone and always cut away from yourself not towards yourself.

Also, don’t use your finger to see how sharp the blade is. Yes, I know some of you reading this article have been guilty of this at least once and have found out that the edge of the knife was indeed very sharp because you cut yourself on it!

Another important safety tip is to never use the knife for other than its intended purpose. No, a sharp kitchen knife should not be used as a makeshift screwdriver or as a device to try and pry open a locked door that you can’t find the key for. Nor should it be used to pry apart a stack of frozen hamburger patties. You could easily cut yourself if the knife slips and you are also in danger of breaking the tip of your knife off. Also, don’t use your kitchen knives to cut the tops off plastic jugs or to cut cardboard boxes unless you want to almost instantly dull your knife. Use a scissors or utility knife for those jobs.

When you buy a kitchen knife you get what you pay for so invest in the best quality knives you can afford and buy them from a reputable dealer. A fully forged carbon knife is the highest quality knife you can buy. High carbon stainless steel knives are also pretty good.

Regular stainless steel knives aren’t as good and won’t last you as long but any knife will last longer if you take care of it properly (and most people don’t care for their knives the way they should).

What should you do to properly maintain your knives? Below is a list of 6 important knife care tips.

1) Never ever, and I repeat NEVER, put your knives in the dishwasher. The harsh chemicals from your dishwasher detergent will pit your knives and the dry cycle will also damage your knives. In addition, if the sharp edges of your knives bump up against anything else, like your plates, it will damage and dull your knives.

Instead, as soon as possible after using your knives, wash them by hand with a mild detergent and hand dry them. Don’t allow the knives to drip dry because moisture will dull your knives and will damage the wood handles of knives.

2) Always use a cutting board. Don’t cut on your countertop. Not only is cutting on your countertop bad for your countertop, it’s bad for the blade of your knife too. And never use a glass cutting board. Glass cutting boards may be pretty but they are also pretty horrible for a knife. It’s a quick way to dull and ruin a knife.

3) Regularly use a honing steel to maintain the edges on your knives, but learn how to use the honing steel properly. To learn the right technique, ask the dealer where you buy your knives to sell you a good honing steel and to also show you how to use it.

4) Have your knives professionally sharpened. Although there are lots of knife sharpeners available for in-home use, I don’t recommend using them. It’s too easy to permanently damage your knife. Instead use your honing steel regularly and take your knives to a professional for sharpening a few times a year. If you take care of your knives properly you won’t need to get your knives sharpened more than a few times a year depending on how much you use your knives.

5) Don’t store your knives in a drawer with lots of metal objects, such as your kitchen utensil drawer. The edges of your knives will get banged against the other metal things, damaging and dulling the edges of your knives. You can still store your knives in a drawer, but don’t have that drawer crowded full of other items. Just keep your knives in that drawer. Another option is to use a wood block to store your knives.

6) Use the correct knife for the task at hand. Don’t use your serrated bread knife for chopping and dicing. Don’t use your boning knife to slice your bread. Instead, use a chef’s knife (also called a cook’s knife or a French knife for chopping, slicing and dicing. Use a paring knife for peeling and trimming, and for cutting and slicing small items. A utility knife is great for slicing meat and cheese. A boning knife is for cutting meat and poultry. A fillet knife is a great for cutting fish. And, as you would expect, a bread knife’s best use is cutting bread.

With proper use and care, your knives will last you a long time and will help make your kitchen cutting tasks easier and more enjoyable.

About The Author

D Ruplinger is a featured writer for For more information on cutlery along with cutlery reviews visit

Food and Beverages only at Food Technologies :

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

How To Clean The Kitchen In 15 Minutes

A day can be completely eaten up by cleaning a kitchen. After breakfast, lunch, and supper, your kitchen can look like a disaster area in need of federal attention. We all know that if we leave our dishes and countertops until the morning, we need an ice pick to scrape off dried on food. After a long day few of us want to spend an hour scrubbing a room that is just going to need it again in 8 hours. Use this method to keep your kitchen running smoothly without making you feel rundown.
Difficulty: Easy
Time Required: 15 Minutes

Here's How:

  1. Grab all of your needed supplies together (listed below.)

    Don't underestimate the value of this step. Trying to find cleansers, dishcloths, sponges, etc. not only eats up time, but increases the risks of distractions that let you forget what you were working on in the first place. Gather all supplies together before you begin.

  2. Run a sink of hot, soapy water.

    If you have a double sink with a garbage disposal on one side, make sure to use the disposal-free side. Keeping the disposal side free will allow you to scrape leftovers down the drain quickly while you work.

  3. Scrape off all the dishes into the trash or garbage disposal.

    If step 2 has blocked your disposal, scrape the dishes off onto a dirty plate.

  4. Place dishes that need to soak into the water.

    Try to choose the dishes that are going to give you or your dishwasher the most trouble to get clean. Put the heavily soiled dishes on the bottom. Large dishes like pans and bowls can be filled with hot soapy water and set on the counter to soak.

  5. While the dishes are soaking, go through the kitchen clearing out trash from your floor, countertops, cupboards, etc.

    Don't worry about things that are out of place, or don't belong in the kitchen. Worry only about trash.

  6. Move on to gathering all the items that do not belong in the kitchen. Put all these items into a basket (see supplies).

    If you have a helper (willing or unwilling) send them off to put away these items. Do not stop working on the kitchen to take these misplaced items to their homes.

  7. Put away all of the items that belong in the kitchen but are not in their proper places.

    Don't allow yourself to get distracted by rearranging cabinets, drawers, etc. Simply place the items that are out back where they belong.

  8. Load the dishwasher or wash by hand.

    If you do not have a dishwasher or don't like to use one, this process of cleaning the dishes may take more time. If possible grab a couple of other people and form a wash, rinse, dry and put away assembly line. This is a great way to catch up with family members. Empty the dirty water and scrape the plate of food off into the disposal if it was previously blocked. Add the plate to the dishwasher.

  9. Wash down your countertops, appliances, and sink.

    Rinse out sponges and rags. If needed put them in the dirty clothes. We're not heavy duty cleaning here. I literally mean wash down the visible surfaces. Don't open the microwave and scrub it out. We're not cleaning the crumbs out of the toaster. Quickly wipe it down.

  10. Sweep and mop, or vacuum.
  11. Take out the trash

    If the trash is full, or tomorrow is trash day, take the trash outside and reline the trash container so that it is ready for tomorrow's trash.

    15 Minute Cleanup Index


  1. The more people you have who live and eat in your home, the more time this process is going to take. But, you have an advantage, more people to make messes means more people to clean them up. Make cleaning up the kitchen after dinner a family affair. Divide the steps between your family members, and you really can have the kitchen done in a short time.
  2. Train your family members to clear and rinse their own plates after each meal. This simple act takes little time for each person, but saves so much time for the dish person later.
  3. Run a sink of hot soapy water before food preparation begins. As mixing bowls, cutting boards, knives, etc, become dirty, quickly wash them out to prevent food from drying and sticking.
  4. Create some "Family Clean up CD" and let each person contribute a favorite song. Kid's will be a lot more likely to help out if they feel they have some input into the job. Letting them choose the music can go a long way.
  5. This quick cleanup is designed for daily maintenance. It can also be used for a fast fix when unexpected company is on the way. Doing this routine will not substitute for the inevitable need to clean more deeply on a regular basis.

What You Need:

  • Trash container.
  • Basket for stuff that doesn’t belong in the kitchen.
  • Dish soap.
  • Other cleaners you normally use.
  • Dishrag or sponge.
  • Scrubber for stuck on food.
  • Broom, mop, or vacuum.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Nice Kitchen

Ruang penyimpanan di dapur

Ruang penyimpanan jadikan dapur kemas

RUANG untuk menyimpan pinggan mangkuk antara keperluan utama di dapur.

Reka bentuk peti sejuk kini diberi tumpuan supaya dapat menyimpan lebih banyak barang

APAKAH ciri yang diperlukan untuk menjadikan ruang dapur dapat berfungsi dengan baik. Selain susun atur dan peralatan, ruang penyimpanan yang baik dan sistematik akan menjadikan ruang dapur kemas dan selamat.

Ruang penyimpanan amat penting untuk menyimpan segala perkakas pinggan mangkuk dan bahan memasak di suatu tempat atau ruang yang sempurna dan tersusun.

Berikutan itu, ruang dapur yang baik perlu dirancang, dibina dan diselenggara sebaik mungkin bagi memenuhi fungsi sebenar. Pengendaliannya memerlukan kepakaran, kreativiti dan kebijaksanaan kerana ia membabitkan belanja yang bukan sedikit. Kejayaan membentuk dan menguruskannya akan memudahkan tugas di dapur, di samping memberi kepuasan secukupnya, terutama mereka yang banyak menghabiskan waktu di sini terutama kepada suri rumah.

Bermula daripada soal pinggan mangkuk, perkakas dan peralatan kepada soal ruang penyimpanan, semuanya memerlukan perhatian rapi, bukan boleh dipandang ringan. Mereka yang cerewet akan memastikan perkakasan dapur yang dipilih sesuai dapat disimpan dalam ruang penyimpanan yang sempurna dan reka bentuknya mesti disesuaikan dengan pemilihan kabinet. Hanya ruang dapur saja yang akan menempatkan semua perkakas dapur dan dengan itu suri rumah akan menghargai ruang dapur sebagai mana ruang lain di dalam rumah, yang perlu kelihatan menarik dan bersih.

Antara ruang penyimpanan yang diperlukan di ruang dapur adalah rak pinggan mangkuk, rak barang keperluan dapur dan peti sejuk yang sangat mustahak disediakan dalam merancang pembentukan ruang dapur. Kini tidak ramai menggunakan almari penyimpan lauk yang berasingan, sebaliknya ruang penyimpanan disediakan berserta kabinet siap dipasang terutama mereka yang mempunyai kawasan sempit.


Monday, July 14, 2008

Lagi Petua di dapur

Menghilangkan Minyak di Oven
Oven sering dilekati lemak. Untuk membersihkannya, taburilah garam saat oven masih panas. Setelah dingin, sikatlah dengan sikat kasar. Bagian dalam oven dapat dibersihkan tanpa menggores lapisannya. Caranya: bubuhkan sedikit bikarbonat soda yang telah halus di atas spon lembap dan gosokkan.


Bau, kotor, lemak dan noda, kerap merusak peralatan dapur. Tapi, sebenarnya semua itu bisa diatasi asal peralatan dapur itu dirawat sesuai dengan fungsi dan bahannya. Berikut ini tip yang bisa dipakai untuk menjaga peralatan dapur tetap bersih:

  1. Agar talenan yang terbuat dari kayu bertahan lama dan bebas dari sisa potongan sayur/daging, oleskan dengan beberapa tetes minyak sebelum dipakai.

  2. Untuk mencegah peralatan dupur Anda yang terbuat dari kayu dari bau makanan, rendamlah semalam sebelum digunakan dengan yang air yang telah diberi cuka putih.

  3. Bersihkan peralatan makanan yang terbuat dari plastik dengan merendamnya di dalam air yang dicampur baking soda selama 10 menit. Setelah itu, bilas dengan air bersih.

  4. Untuk membersihkan peralatan dapur yang terbuat dari aluminium yang telah menjadi hitam, rebuslah seliter air yang matang, campur dengan 2 sendok krim tartar. Rebus selama 10 menit lalu gosok.
  5. Taburkan tepung di atas tumpahan minyak atau lemak lalu gosok. Minyak atau lemak akan mudah lepas dan hilang. Tepung dapat meresap minyak dan mencegah pula menjalar ke tempat lain. Tapi ingat, jangan coba membersihkan dengan serbet kertas atau kain.

  6. Untuk membersihkan parutan sehabis memarut keju, parutlah kentang yang masih mentah. Semua keju yang tersisa di lubang-lubang parutan akan terbawa.

  7. Untuk membersihkan perabot dari plastik yang ternoda, rendam di dalam satu galon air hangat yang telah dicampur 1 mangkuk kecil pemutih. Biarkan selama 20 menit, setelah itu ambil dan cucilah dengan bersih. Terakhir, cuci seperti biasa dengan menggunakan sabun pencuci piring dan air hangat.

Aneka Tips Dapur

1. Punya buku resep tebal dan Anda tak menyusunnya secara rapi? Nah, gunakan jepitan kertas (paper clip) warna-warni untk menandai masing-masing jenis resep masakan. Misalnya, warna kuning untuk hidangan utama, merah untuk resep makanan pencuci mulut, dan kuning untuk minuman. Dengan demikian, Anda dapat menemukan dengan mudah resep yang diperlukan.

Agar buku resep tak cepat kotor dan rusak, masukkan (dengan halaman terbuka) ke dalam kantung plastik tembus pandang sehingga Anda dapat membacanya dengan mudah dan buku resep tetap bersih.

2. Campurkan garam dan merica bersama-sama di satu tempat. Tak perlu ditempatkan terpisah. Taruh di meja makan atau di dapur, agar mudah dipakai jika dibutuhkan.

3. Agar sandwich tetap enak, tidak basah atau lembek ketika akan dimakan siang hari, sebaiknya oleskan mayones atau saus lainnya di antara daging dan sayuran. Jangan langsung dioleskan di atas roti.

Cara lain, bungkus secara terpisah sayuran dan saus (dressing), campurkan
saat akan disantap. Baru dicampur ketika sandwich akan disantap.

4. Tak ingin dapur kotor dengan segala macam “sampah” saat memasak? Saat memarut, taruh parutan di dalam kantung plastik tembus pandang/bening, baru parut buah/sayuran/keju di dalam kantong plastik tadi. Hasil parutan tidak akan berserakan ke mana-mana.

5. Agar kuah sup, saus, dan segala air rebusan tidak tumpah saat dimasak dan membuat kotor kompor Anda, selipkan tusuk gigi di antara panci dan tutupnya. Air rebusan tak akan meluap keluar karena Anda sudah membuat”ruang” kecil sehingga udara bisa keluar.

6. Tahukah Anda, akan lebih mudah dan bersih menggunakan benang gigi (dental floss) untuk memotong cheese cake atau keju daripada menggunakan pisau?


Rumah akan beraroma segar dan harum jika Anda meneteskan beberapa tetes air jeruk segar ke dalam “kantung debu” di vacuum cleaner sebelum digunakan untuk menyedot debu.

Cuka adalah satu-satunya alat yang murah dan efektif untuk membersihkan perak dan perabotan lainnya. Untuk menghilangkan kotoran yang ada di panci atau botol, masukkan cuka putih ke dalamnya dan rebus selama 15 menit. Cuka putih juga dapat digunakan untuk menghilangkan noda dan bau binatang piaraan yang menempel di karpet.

Bersihkan sisir Anda dengan cara merendamnya ke dalam air hangat yang sudah dicampur dengan baking soda.

Jika rumah Anda akan dicat dan Anda tidak menyukai baunya, tambahkan beberapa tetes esens vanila ke dalam cat ketika diaduk. Bau cat akan hilang sedangkan warna tidak akan berubah.

Untuk menghilangkan sisa coretan krayon pada perabot dari kayu, ambil sedikit mayones, oleskan pada kayu tersebut, lalu diamkan selama 10 menit. setelah itu, ambi lap lembut, gosok perlahan-lahan. Jika bekas krayon sudah hilang, bersihkan/lap sekali lagi dengan lap bersih.

Agar karpet di rumah tetap segar dan bersih, taburkan baking soda di atas karpet dan biarkan selama 1 jam. Setelah itu, bersihkan dengan alat penghisap debu.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Shaker Style Kitchen


First published in: Homes & Gardens, January 2005

Shaker-style kitchen

Simple white Roundhouse Kitchens units with Shaker-style doors and exposed hinges are sleek and streamlined in this modern country kitchen. The brushed stainless steel door handles add a modern twist. Kashmir white granite worktops are a less porous alternative to marble. The island's wooden worktop provides contrast. Oak flooring adds warmth and hi